Survival Food Storage:10 Tips In Protecting Your Food Supply

1. The 1st   survival food storage secret is to learn to garden and use whatever space you have available. From a back yard area, raised beds, container gardens on a deck or small herb pots in the kitchen window, folks can grow more than they believe with a little creativity and effort. Use edible landscaping for plants that are decorative as well as that provide food. Need a couple shade trees? Why not use fruit or nut trees – they’re going to supply shade as well as food.

Two. Learn how to ‘put up’ food – canning, food dehydrating and other methods are increasingly simple with modern gadgetry designed to save food. It requires a little effort – but on a kitchen counter you can dry enough herbs for a year ; you can make real powdered and flaked pepper, garlic and onion.

3. Next survival food storage secret is if you freeze food, be sure you have got a means to keep it going in an emergency. If the electricity goes off you don’t want to lose a year’s supply of food! Have a generator and fuel, get a propane freezer, have some way of keeping that food cold.Putting your food aside is only part of insuring your food supply – safely storing it is the other issue.

4.Always be discreet. Don’t gloat about your food supply and don’t spread the gospel you have six months of food in your basement. If you do, and there’s a crisis, you may be overrun with folks who know you have plenty stocked away. Are you then prepared to defend your food supply?

5.Storage can be a problem? Use areas most do not think of. The cupboard is good for many things but if you are putting up many jars of spaghetti sauce, preserves, soups and other sauces you are going to need room. Have a protected corner of the basement up off the ground ( enough that a wet floor won’t damage the food ).

Six.Here is another survival food storage tip. Together with your food supply have a means to prepare food including water, grill and gas/wood/charcoal, for example. If a storm knocks an area down for 2-3 weeks be ready to rely on your own resources for those 2-3 weeks. Have available not only requirement items but a few luxury items also. These might include a little candy, or cookies or something that just makes things a little more like home.

Seven. Do not forget storing personal hygiene items – you can make a ‘composting toilet’ from free plans onlinehaving this available with sawdust or shavings, toilet tissue and other survival gear can seriously increase the comfort in an emergency.

Eight. Do not depend on the govt helping – or on folk being friendly. A disastrous situation like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina showed the govt cannot handle it – folks have got to be able to rely on themselves. Prepare and have plans in place for tornado, fire, emergency evacuation and sheltering in place ( being confined to home ).Remember a train derailment or other issues could change things quickly!Practice that escape. You have ten minutes- what do you grab? Hesitating can be deadlyhaving a plan can suggest survival.

Nine. Be able to cook from the start, make bread and do other skills to get thru if you had to. If you have the food stocked up it doesn’t do any good if you can not use it. If you are dependent on mixes make your own mixes in Ziploc bags that seal tightly – label with a marker right on the bag with how much liquid, egg and oil to add. In a pinch, that bag can be the bowl – simply put wet ingredients in and mix, then pour into a baking pan. Experiment with your grill to make things before you have got to.

10. Being able to hunt and fish can imply having a continual food supply. Having fishing gear and hunting supplies can mean the difference between eating or not. In the depression some spoke of having a tiny dog that would go through culverts and flush out rabbits while the big dog at the other end dispatched the rabbit as it ran out. Sporting? Perhaps notbut if it comes to eating or not, how ethical will you be after not eating for four days?

Don’t wait to get prepared. Work on getting things growing, on learning the abilities you have got to in order to survive. When the general public food supply is interrupted it will be too late.

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