The organizations listed below represent millions of hunters, anglers, landowners, natural resource professionals and others who share a strong interest in sustaining our conservation heritage and Texas fish and wildlife resources. The issue that has brought this wide range of organizations together is the mutual desire to support the Legislative Appropriation Request submitted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
There are six primary funding issues at stake:
1. Restoration of the 10% reductions.
2. Fund 9 is dedicated sportsmen’s dollars and needs to continue to be protected.
3. Support full park funding as proposed in HB 6.
4. Keep Rider 27 (as passed in 2005), allowing TPWD to spend revenues in excess of estimates.
5. Create flexibility for FTEs and capital equipment purchases.
6. Appropriate the Freshwater Fisheries Stamp Funds for hatcheries.
The Texas Senate Finance Committee, led by Chairman Ogden, will hear testimony from Kirby Brown, Executive Vice President of the Texas Wildlife Association, and other industry professionals this week. It is also expected that the House Appropriations Committee, led by Chairman Chisum, and the General Government Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Carl Isett, will hear similar testimony.
The following list of organizations have signed in agreement with the testimony to be presented by Kirby Brown: Audubon Texas, CCA Texas, Ducks Unlimited, Exotic Wildlife Association, Houston Safari Club, LBJ Fish and Habitat, Lone Star Bowhunters Association, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Quail Unlimited, Quality Deer Management Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Saltwater-fisheries Enhancement Association, Sensible Management of Aquatic Resources Team, Texas Association of Bass Clubs, Texas Bighorn Society, Texas Black Bass Unlimited, Texas Brigades, Texas Chapter, National Wild Turkey Federation, Texas Deer Association, www.TexasHuntFish.Com, Texas Organization of Wildlife Management Associations, Texas Wildlife Association, and The Nature Conservancy of Texas.
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