Life Is Short – Choose A Career You’re Passionate About.

A recent Human Resources Magazine article reported that only 33 percent of the workforce is actively engaged at work; 49 percent are not engaged and 18 percent are actively disengaged. This means that 67 percent of people who are currently employed are disengaged at work.

People become disengaged at work due to a variety of reasons. Some reasons are very specific to the company. Many people work with difficult bosses or coworkers. Others do not feel they are being treated fairly or simply don’t feel recognized, appreciated, and/or challenged.

According to the same article, the most important reason people feel engaged at work is becasuse they feel they are moving forward and making a positive contribution.

According to one career coach, there are other reasons to be considered as well. Many people are working in jobs that are simply not a good fit for them based on their indivual capabilities and strengths.

Furthermore, one of the top reasons people leave jobs is not always because of the organization itself, but because of key people they work for or work with, like a manager or supervisor.  The statement “people quit people, not companies” is very true. Complaints about people far outweigh complaints about their actual job.

So the question is :”Who is responsible for you being engaged at work?”

It is the employer’s responsibility to provide qualified managers and leaders who can actively motivate, empower, and develop employees to their fullest potential. They want to create a strong, positive, and motivational work environment and assure that all employees are being treated fairly.

Beyond that, it’s up to the employee.  Many employees are disengaged because of their own personal reasons.  Many people already have quit their jobs yet still go to work every day. They have become the “quit and stay” population of the workforce, which quite clearly is an alarming number of people!

What do you do when you feel disengaged at your work?

One career transition coach advises anyone who feels disengaged to take some time to write down all the reasons why. Look at your list and see what things are directly related to your work (difficult boss, long hours, little pay, unappreciated, etc.) and what other reasons are not directly related to your job.

Work related issues can and should be handled in a professional manner. When you do this, and nothing changes, then it is time for you to move on. It is however possible for disengaged employees to become re-engaged after resolving their issues by talking to their supervisor or the Human Resources Department. Don’t sit and stir with it. Bring your issues forward.

If you can’t do this for whatever reason then it is time for you to go. The facts are, you have to try to fix it or you have to actively plan to move on. Quitting and staying is not an option. It is not fair to the company and it is not fair to you!

There are also many personal reasons as to why you are disengaged.  Perhaps you just don’t like your job or the work you do.  Maybe you really want to look for a new direction. Maybe you no longer feel aligned with corporate values and you want to seek a career that is more fulfilling.

If you feel no longer engaged with your current work because of personal reasons, it’s important to take action and create a plan to move forward.

The time is now. Don’t be a part of that 67% statistic! The sad part is that a large majority of these people will remain in their job day in and day out feeling disengaged and unhappy. Some of them will remain in their job until retirement!

You owe it to yourself to be happy!  You may have to stay at your job for now but there simply is no excuse out there as to why you can’t start looking for something else. Seek professional support to keep moving forward and find a job you’re passionate about. Life is short.

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