“Political Climate Change” Forecasts Take the Heat Out of Presidential Campaigns on PurpleTV


In a time when politics feels more like a storm than a debate, PurpleTV is taking a humorous approach to ease the tension. The channel, known for trying to find common ground between Republicans and Democrats, is now venturing into weather reports—but with a satirical twist. Enter Political Climate Change, a segment blending real weather forecasts with lighthearted jabs at the nation’s political landscape.

This new series is already making waves, with short weather updates that compare presidential campaigns to natural disasters. For instance, in their latest forecast, Kamala Harris is described as whipping up a “hurricane of facts and zingers,” leaving Donald Trump “clinging to outdated talking points” like someone trying to survive a perfect storm. Using playful visuals, PurpleTV represents Trump as an orange tornado and Harris as Air Force Two, tracking their campaign movements across the country.

PurpleTV’s CEO, Matthew Davidge, doesn’t pull punches either, explaining, “Americans don’t want to live under an orange cloud for four more years—they want blue skies.”
From Comedy to Commentary

PurpleTV first made its debut during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, back in June 2024. Since then, its lighthearted but pointed commentary has attracted a growing audience. The channel now broadcasts in 25 major TV markets, covering swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. That’s not all—PurpleTV’s viewership now reaches over 40 million people nationwide.

The addition of Brian Tyler Cohen, a popular political commentator with millions of social media followers, has also boosted PurpleTV’s appeal. Cohen, who’s interviewed political heavyweights from Kamala Harris to Gavin Newsom, brings his sharp insights and wit to the channel, adding a daily dose of political reality to the mix.
Bringing Humor to the Airwaves

Political Climate Change is more than just clever weather analogies—it’s a breath of fresh air in a political season that’s often heavy and divisive. By combining real weather reports with political satire, PurpleTV offers a new way for viewers to engage with the ongoing presidential race without feeling bogged down by partisan tension.

For those craving some comic relief in the middle of a heated political season, Political Climate Change might just be the cool breeze they need.

PurpleTV continues to expand its footprint and social media presence. Viewers can catch its content on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and TikTok @WatchPurpleTV.

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