Survival Skills Information And Survival Kits

The future is not predictable. It is a real possibility that currencies can collapse and the predilection of war around the corner is alarming; the future seems up for grabs.

In 1913 the U.S.S. was a free country. Since then powerful bankers and power brokers have changed the face of the U.S.S. and perpetrated the great fraud twisting the Constitution. Almost all politicians will sell their soul.

Look at the conditions in Europe prior to WW1. Europe was prosperous, it was and an economic power. Germany was advanced culturally, relatively pacifistic and all around stable. Compared to other European nations, it had the least warlike tendency. The age was peaceful and ready to embark on great economic, sociological and technological gains.  However, the age was lost to a world war.

Our era is not any different. Statist governments are equally, if not more, fascistic, bailing out banks, seizing sectors of the economy, bailing out politically attached companies formulating unsustainable debts loads for taxpayers.  There is a chance of currency collapseis real. The a breakdown of the markets and civil unrest could lead to civil war. Also the potential of beginning a war is diverting the public attention to an outside threat.  Many a statist would opt for war as a way out, perhaps using false flags or any excuse  or ploy.

There are environmental threats as well. For instance, in case of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) from a weaponized high-altitude electromagnetic pulse explosion, gasoline, paper money, transportation will vanish. It’s bad news for pacemakers.  

Super solar flares from the sun present a Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP) and result in a geo-magnetic storm are another probability.  Computers would not work. TV’s, radios, GPS, phones, cars, planes with computer chips in their system will not operate.  It will be every man for herself or himself.  Starvation, disease and random violence would likely claim millions of lives. A survival food supply is a fundamental necessity.

If we have a large non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse resulting from a super solar flare like the one that occurred back in 1859 (the 1859 Carrington event) , that would shut down the whole grid for quite a long time. It would cost us  between $1 trillion and $2 trillion in damages, and living could be harrowing if in fact you were without electricity for any length of time. With survival kits to make life possible, you survive.

Prevention is better than cure. After the disaster, you’ll be left short if you are not prepared. Learn about outdoor survival skills while the getting is good!

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