Building Survival Shelters In the Wilderness

Knowing how to build survival shelters is essential, if you face a survival situation in harsh or unpredictable weather. A good shelter must protect you from the elements and be comfortable enough for resting and sleeping. Many people cannot survive unprotected from rough weather for an extended period of time or without proper survival gear.

The purpose in having a shelter is not only to protect you, but also to preserve your body heat. This is accomplished in one or more of four basic ways. First, by keeping yourself dry so you do not lose heat through the evaporative process. Second, by insulating you from the ground or snow to limit conductive heat loss. Third, by blocking the wind which would otherwise carry away body heat. Lastly, when the shelter space is small enough where the air around you can be heated by your body.

The type of survival shelter you build will depend on the equipment you carry, and upon the terrain and climate you are in. There are basic principles that can be applied to any wilderness survival situation. An important part of your survival skills is knowing how to make simple good shelters.

Choosing Shelters Site Tips

1) Best place to choose is on the ground:

– that is dry, well drained and reasonably flat.

– that is a comfortable distance to water and has a supply of firewood.

– that has some building materials for your wilderness shelter or temporary home.

– that provides protection against strong winds.

2) Make sure your survival shelter site is easy find just in case you get lost and people may be looking for you.

3) Look for natural formations that could create a easy shelter structure. Examples include caves, rocky crevices and large trees with low-hanging limbs. If no natural formation is available to provide shelter, you will need to build your own.

Unsuitable Shelters Sites:

– A site can be troubled by insects if it is too close to water.

– Rivers can present a threat to safety. Heavy rainfall in nearby hills can easily create flash floods. Avoid dry riverbeds.

– If possible, stay away from dead trees, loose rocks, or other natural growth that could fall on your shelter.

– Low ground, such as narrow valleys and ravines, could collect the heavy cold air at night, making it colder than the surrounding high ground. Also, the tops of mountains are usually exposed to higher winds. The best area to seek shelter is somewhere in between.

Looking for plans for a portable, solid-wall structure that keeps you warm and dry when you are in the Wilderness. Click Here, Wilderness Survial Shelters

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