Why Service Your Gas Boiler

First and Foremost, Safety.

All Gas burning appliances will produce Carbon Monoxide to some extent.

Levels of this extremely poisonous gas are normally 14Keep measured in parts per million (ppm), Even a new boiler will   produce levels from 30 – 100 Parts per Million .

Older boilers in need of a service will be pumping out thousands of parts per million

When you use a Gas Safe Engineer to Service your boiler,  he will also be checking the boiler instalation to  ensure that the boiler has been installed properly and is completely safe.

While he’s there, for additional peace of mind, you could also ask him to carry out a soundness test on the gas pipes, to make sure there are no leaks. This will only take a few minutes and shouldn’t cost any extra, as all of the pipes can be tested from the gas meter.

Secondly, Efficiency

Servicing your boiler will keep it at it’s best efficiency levels.

Dust particles, bits of dead flys and spiders etc, all accumulate inside the combustion chamber and heat exchanger of the boiler, culminating in reduced efficiency. It is common for an unserviced boiler to be so inefficient , that it is actually cheaper to pay an engineer to service the boiler, than pay for the additional gas it would burn if left alone .

Thirdly, Reliability

An annual service for your gas heating boiler, rather like a service for your car, could identify Potential problems within, these can be dealt with timeously. Thus preventing an expensive breakdown during those cold winter days. Which is when most boilers break down.

Boilers do tend to break down in the winter months, at which time Gas Engineers will have so much work on , that you may have to wait a few days without heating or hot water . A boiler service, during the summer months could prevent all that hassle.

Also, Knowing that you have had your boiler checked will give you peace of mind.

Remember, only to use Gas Safe Engineers to do the work.

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