Logins are More Secure with Typing Rhythm Recognition

ID Control BV is trying to fight online identity theft and fraud with a user’s unique and characteristic typing behavior pattern recognition. When you type, there is a distinct rhythm used by each unique user. By combining the identification of this rhythm with other security tactics, a program is able to determine a user’s identity, […]

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American Life League Asks Why Saving Babies’ Lives is Considered Unethical

The following is an op-ed by Chris Slattery, released today by American Life League: What does it mean to practice medicine? If someone brings a sick friend chicken soup, is that person practicing medicine? Should someone who wraps a twisted ankle or bandages a cut be castigated for practicing medicine without a license? In 2002,

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Pan American Health and Education Foundation Establishes Fund to End Domestic Violence in the Americas

The Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) has launched a fund to support initiatives in the Americas to end domestic violence: physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Mr. Jerry Rivera, a popular salsa singer, was selected as a Health Champion by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). He is speaking out against domestic violence and

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Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Senator Evan Bayh

According to Judicial Watch, Senator Bayh failed to disclose his role in the family foundation on Senate Financial Disclosure reports. Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, has filed a complaint with the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics concerning inaccurate financial disclosure reports filed by Indiana Senator Evan

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Pre Iraq War Documents Reveal Analysis Accurately Predicted Subsequent Events

According to a press release today, an October 2002 pre Iraq war analysis of intelligence and information by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich accurately predicted subsequent events, discoveries, and consequences, according to documents released today by the Kucinich for President Campaign. The information was widely circulated to members of Congress accurately predicted subsequent events, discoveries, and

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Three People Sentenced in Baton Rouge on Federal FEMA Fraud Charges

Three Louisiana residents have been sentenced in federal court on fraud charges related to a hurricane disaster relief program. Aletha Allen, 45, of Baton Rouge, La., pled guilty on Nov. 16, 2006, to count one of an indictment charging her with making a false claim for Hurricane Katrina disaster assistance benefits. Allen was sentenced today

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Indonesian Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to a Foreign Terrorist Organization

Haji Subandi, a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, two counts of money laundering and attempted exportation of arms and munitions. He aided Tamil Tiger terrorists in the attempted purchase of surface to air missiles, night vision devices, machine guns,

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Over 500 MySpace Codes, Layouts and Backgrounds Now Available

SpaceGravy.com (http://www.spacegravy.com/) has just added over 500 Backgrounds for MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/), Cool MySpace Codes, Free MySpace Layouts and MySpace Graphics this month alone. Additionally, SpaceGravy.com says its My Space Layouts, MySpace Backgrounds and My Space Codes can be used at Xanga.com (http://www.xanga.com/) as well as at MySpace. “In February, Google users (http://www.google.com/) searched for MySpace

Over 500 MySpace Codes, Layouts and Backgrounds Now Available Read More »

New Report Says Voter Fraud Often Manufactured and Exaggerated for Political Purposes

There’s a new report out today from Project Vote that says that claims of “voter fraud” is often manufactured and exaggerated for political purposes. It goes on to say that widespread “voter fraud” is a myth promulgated to suppress voter participation. Voter fraud is, in fact, extremely rare. “The Politics of Voter Fraud” finds that

New Report Says Voter Fraud Often Manufactured and Exaggerated for Political Purposes Read More »

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