Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative Uses Power to Force Customers to Donate to Foundation

Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative (TVEC), an electric distribution cooperative that serves about 50,000 electric meters in an area just southeast of Dallas, Texas, has taken an unprecedented approach to building their own charity. TVEC has started a program that they’re calling “Operation Roundup“, where customers will automatically have their electric bills “rounded up” to the

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State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama – Transcript

In case you missed it, or would like to read the transcript, the following is the State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama, as prepared for delivery, on February 12, 2013. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, fellow citizens: Fifty-one years ago, John F. Kennedy declared to this Chamber that “the

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Children’s Health Fund Responds to State of the Union

The following is a statement from Dr. Irwin Redlener, president and co-founder of Children’s Health Fund, following the State of the Union address by the President of the United States: “The president made a strong case for universal early education in America, along with raising the minimum wage. But his commitment to eliminate extreme poverty

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Obama lawyer warned against certifying eligibility

Bob Unruh September 4, 2012 A former U.S. Justice Department attorney who founded the government watchdog Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch has warned a key Barack Obama attorney that Democratic Party or state elections officials certifying Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election could be charged with election fraud. Larry Klayman explains in a

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Council on American-Islamic Relations Asks GOP to Reject Anti-Islam Platform Plank

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has officially asked the Republican Party to reject a newly-adopted platform plank that includes a section supporting a ban on foreign law, which its sponsor admits targets the religious principles of American Muslims. In their plea to the GOP, CAIR noted that the plank appears to be modeled on

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