Republicans Winning Social Media by a Landslide

Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate have amassed more than four times as many Facebook Fans as their Democratic counterparts, and more than five times as many Twitter Followers, according to an analysis by HeadCount, a nonpartisan voter registration organization. As of Sept. 21st, Republican candidates for the Senate had over 1.43 million Fans on […]

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Wag Bags

I can understand that Fabio Capello does not want his England squad to be distracted during the 2010 World Cup and hence he banned the wives and girlfriends from attending. However, these days the “Wags” are as well known as their men and they do not report to Capello so many have defied his request

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Tell Me, Which Are ‘Good Or Ideal’ Fruit & Veggies With Type 2 Diabetes?

Fruits are an important staple of one’s diet. Whether you have Diabetes 2 or not, fruits come alomg with fiber, vitamins and minerals which areimportant for a complete balanced diet. It is a scientifically accepted fact that for patients with Type II Diabetes, they can still enjoy the benefits of fruits, except those fruits which

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